მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა


ტრენინგის ხანგრძლივობა

16 hours

Business trainings to improve the qualifications of Front office staff
Purpose of the training
The purpose of the training is to introduce employees to the principles of effective verbal and non-verbal communication, public speaking, discussion and presentation skills.

  • Communication model
  • Barriers to effective communication
  • Principles of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Active listening and question types
  • Positive wording
  • Timing and Techniques of Transmitting Negative Information
  • Feedback
  • Persuasive communication
  • Presentation and public speech

The training is based on the basic principles of communication psychology. Modern international approaches and methodologies are also considered. Mini-lecture, simulation, role play, brainstorming discussion, brainstorming, group exercise, individual task, pair work, illustration, question and answer will be used. 

After the training, the participants will know how to conduct communication correctly, without obstacles. Have knowledge and experience of positive and assertive communication, be skilled in feedback and be able to communicate in public speaking.