მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა


ტრენინგის ხანგრძლივობა

16-24 hours

Business trainings to improve the qualifications of Front office staff
Aim of the training: to develop / strengthen the knowledge, skills and attachments required for effective service for the participants.

Program / Training Target Group: Front Office Staff; People who have communication with clients.

Training topics:
  • The importance of a high level of service
  • General courtesy
  • Effective verbal communication;
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Active listening techniques
  • Types of questions
  • Positive formulations
  • Managing conflict situations
  • Assertive no meaning
  • Types of clients
  • Telephone service

Upon completion of the program, participants will know / be able to:
  • The importance of a loyal customer and his satisfaction
  • Establish effective communication with customers;
  • Managing stressful and conflict situations;
  • Peculiarities of telephone communication and best practices for its success

Tools used to evaluate the results: At least 90% attendance, pre- and post-test, satisfaction survey.

About trainer

Marieta has 3 years of experience in training. Conducts Soft skill training on topics such as efficient service and communication, sales, conflict customer relations, etc. 
She has conducted service plus training for 50+ groups. 

Marieta holds a master's degree in Organizational Development and counseling specialist. She has gained additional knowledge in coaching, Human Resource Management and psychology.