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ტრენინგის ხანგრძლივობა

4 hours

Business trainings to improve the qualifications of Front office staff
Have you ever wanted to know more than a person is telling you in their own words? You will get the answer to this question at the training. Body language dictates what is behind the words and what is the mood of the person during the conversation.

Purpose of training
The purpose of the training is to introduce the participants to body language and help them recognize the signals that people give us through body language. Also teach participants how to use this skill in effective communication.

Training topic
  • What does body language mean?
  • What is the importance of body language in communication?
  • When can we use body language techniques?

After the training, the participants will know what body language indicates during communication and will be able to guess the moods and feelings of the people involved in the communication.

Target audience
Anyone who is often involved in negotiations, who is interested in body language and wants to improve their communication skills.

Training is based on Allan Pease, Barbara Pease approaches and methodology.