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ტრენინგის ხანგრძლივობა

16 hours

Business trainings to improve the qualifications of Front office staff
Why is it useful to take a course? - Society is made up of different people, whose expectations towards each other and distribution of power are unequal. Therefore, every person gets into a conflict situation at a certain stage of his life. If conflict as an event is an inevitable part of life, then the main question arises, how to deal with it? Answers to these and other questions will be discussed during the training.

Goal of training 
The purpose of the training is to introduce the participants to the causes of the conflict and the dynamics of its development. As a result of the training, participants will be skilled in difficult conversations and conflict management strategies

Training topic
  • 4 types and types of conflict
  • conflict escalation
  • When should we get out of the conflict?
  • Psycho-portrait of the parties involved in the conflict
  • Strategies for managing difficult conversations and conflict
  • Tips for conflict-free 

Participants will have a clear view of what the conflict is and its types. You will know how to manage a conflict situation so that it does not turn into aggression; On the contrary, to conduct negotiations in such a way as to achieve victory - the desired result.

Target audience
The training is intended for everyone who is interested in the causes of conflict and different strategies and ways of solving them. 

The training is based on the advanced international approaches and methodologies of Harvard, Roger Fisher, Joseph Grenny, Chris Voss, Kenneth Thomas, Ralph Kilmann and others.

*In difficult conversations and conflict management, Advanced level training is also defined, the prerequisite of which is to pass the basic module. Advanced training is intended for those whose negotiations are directly related to the company's results
  • Number of participants: 20
  • Duration: Conflict management 8 hours Negotiations 8 hours

About trainer

Etuna Chubinidze - Coordinator of the Training and Career Development Service.

Has 6+ years of coaching experience and has been trained in topics such as: communication, conflict management, empathy, leadership, adaptation, teamwork, time management, stress management, effective service, gender equality, adult learning techniques and management skills.

Educated in Tbilisi - Tbilisi State University, in the UK - at Sheffield Hallam University and in Estonia - Tallinn University. She holds a Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW), is a Psychologist (BA) and a Certified Trainer. He has additional knowledge in the fields of journalism, social care, social policy, human resource management and gender issues.