მონაწილეთა რაოდენობა


ტრენინგის ხანგრძლივობა

8 hours

Business trainings to improve the qualifications of Back office staff

In the modern world, stress has become an integral part of our lives. Every day more and more people feel stressed, however, most of them do not know what are the causes of stress and how to deal with them.

Goal of training
Provide participants with theoretical knowledge and develop action-oriented skills, strategies and habits so that they can reduce stress levels at work and in their daily lives. 

Training topic
  • Psychology of stress. 
  • Advantages and disadvantages of stress.
  • Causes of stress.
  • Habits and skills to help participants manage stress.
  • Mindfulness.

Training participants will be able to determine their stress level and analyze its causes. They will master stress management methods and techniques.

Target audience
Anyone who wants to be able to manage stress and have the ability to respond adequately in difficult situations. Especially for those whose work environment is stressful.

The training is based on advanced international approaches and methodologies of Harvard, Tony Robbins, Bill Burnett Dave Evans and others.